Hot Lunch Order Form

We are excited to be able to offer a Hot Lunch program to our students! Please click HERE for a copy of the ordering form if you would like to place an order for your child.

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Halloween Spirit Week!

This week we will be getting in the season and celebrating Halloween Spirit Week! All staff and students are encouraged to participate in the following theme days: Monday – Mummy Day (Pajama Day) Tuesday – Mad Scientist Day (Crazy Hair Day) Wednesday – Black and Orange Day Thursday – Crazy Hat and Sock Day Friday – Costume Day

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Term 1 Virtual Progress Conversations

Term 1 Virtual Progress Conversations will be held this week on Thursday, October 28th from 4:00-7:00pm. Meetings will be conducted via Microsoft TEAMS. Please click  HERE for the letter we emailed home last week to all families with information on how to book an appointment through the parent Portal. Also, please click  HERE for instructions on how to login to Microsoft TEAMS. Thank you.

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A HUGE thank you to Waring Landscape Supply who have very graciously donated their time and materials to help beautify our school’s front entrance. If you have not been by to see the upgrade you should make make the trip!

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School’s Out For Summer!

And just like that, another school year is quickly coming to a close! What a year it has been! We look forward to seeing all of our students back on Thursday, September 9th. Enjoy a restful, fun-filled and safe summer everyone!

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Christmas Spirit MONTH!

We are excited to celebrate the upcoming holiday season! Below is a list of spirit days that we will be having each day in December!

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Show & Save Mobile App Contact-less Fundraiser! Safe and Simple!

École Stonewall Centennial School will be raising money this Fall by selling Show & Save. The Show & Save App has exploded in popularity. The simplicity and convenience of it, along with the growing number of cool features has helped people to save more money than ever before. You can flag your favorite coupons, keep track of coupons you have redeemed, see nearby savings as well as search for businesses by name and keywords. It gets better, new businesses are… Read More

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Stonewall CO-OP Discount Cards – Buy One Get One 50% Off!

We still have CO-OP Grocery Store Discount Cards available to purchase! These cards allow the holder 10% off all purchases over $25.00 for 10 visits! These cards expire December 31st, 2020 and we are clearing them out – buy 1 card at regular price of $20.00 and get a second card for 50% off! That’s 2 cards for $30.00! Cards are available from the office and cheques should be made payable to École Stonewall Centennial School. Orders may be sent… Read More

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