LEGO Donation Request

Mrs. Nickel, Grade 7 and Grade 8 Science Teacher, is looking for any donations of LEGO building blocks that you may be wishing to recycle.  These will be use for various Science activities by our students.

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March is “Math Month” at École Stonewall Centennial School!

This year École Stonewall Centennial School will celebrate Math Month with various numeracy themed days and activities! March 12th – Pi Day Celebration (Pie sale at Nutrition Breaks, Pi Day activities and Special Assembly) March 23rd – Dress to the 9’s Day (Dress in fancy attire) March 24th – Seeing Double (Twin Day – Dress as twins) March 25th – Wear A Pattern Day March 26th – Wear A Number Day March 27th – Math is Dreamy (Wear PJ’s)

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