Hard to believe…. but next week is the last week before Christmas Break! We have some fun activities planned for staff and students: Monday – Red and Green Day Tuesday – Santa Hat & Christmas Socks Day Wednesday – Hawaiian Christmas Day and Christmas Tree Door Decorating Contest Thursday – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day Friday – Christmas Pajama Day
Please be advised that our annual Winter Holiday Concert will be held on Monday, December 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium at Stonewall Collegiate. Performers in this concert will be the grade 7&8 Choral students, Grade 7&8 Band students and members of the grade 5-8 Girls’ Choir.
A reminder that tomorrow, December 11th, Grade 5 and Grade MY Vice students will be holding a bake sale to raise funds for the Stonewall Cheer Board! Donations of nut-free, pre-cut baking are very much appreciated! Donations can be dropped off at the office.
Students from our Grade 5 & 6 MY Voice group are collecting non-perishable food items, toys, and monetary donations for the Stonewall Cheer Board. Each classroom will have a box to store donated items. The MY Voice student elves will be picking items up weekly. The deadline for donations is Friday, December 13th.
A group of students from SCI have formed a project based on helping the homeless community. Their initiative involves creating one hundred hygiene bags for the homeless. They are looking for donations to support this endeavor. Some helpful products would include band-aids, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, nail clippers, etc. They have left a drop off box in our school to collect any contributions.
École Stonewall Centennial After School Curling Program will commence on Monday, November 18th/2019. Curling will take place on Mondays at the Stonewall Curling Club from 4:00 to 5:20 p.m. The cost of curling for the season is $70.00. Parents or guardians who wish to assist with instruction and supervision on the ice are always welcome and greatly appreciated. In the event that school is cancelled the After School Curling Program will be cancelled as well. Dates will be arranged to… Read More
The Grade 5/6 My Voice students will be selling assorted flavours (swirl, bubblegum, cotton candy, strawberry/banana, and chocolate brownie) of TCBY frozen yogurt for $3.00 a cup. Sales will take place at 1st Break every Tuesday during the month of November. Proceeds from these sales will go towards a band performance entitled “Bold As Lions – Hope Dealer Tour” taking place on Thursday, December 5th. The Hope Dealer Tour is a one-hour presentation with live music, motivational speaking, and an… Read More
We have wrapped up our Show and Save Mobile App Fundraiser for this school year! The monies raised from this endeavor will be used to support new programs and further enhance existing ones! We will allow and receive orders still at the school until November 15th/2019 should anyone wish to make a purchase. We are very grateful and appreciative of your support!
Junior High Students are invited to attend the Halloween Dance on Wednesday, October 30th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 and there will be snacks and drinks available to purchase. Students are welcome to dress in costumes!!
On October 9th, 2019 Mr. Duncan came to talk to us about owls, AND HE EVEN BROUGHT ONE! His name was Rusty, and he was a Long-eared Owl. Mr. Duncan did a whole bunch of different owl calls, it was super cool. Rusty wouldn’t stop hooting because he was so hungry. We also learned about all of the special adaptations owls have, and Mr. Duncan even brought owl parts for us to look at. Rusty flew around the room and… Read More