We are excited to announce that we will once again be selling discount cards to our local Stonewall CO-OP Grocery Store! A fresh batch of cards have come in hot off the press and are good from now until December, 2020! For only $20.00 you can save yourself 10% off your grocery bill a total of 10 separate times! These cards pay for themselves usually in 1 to 2 trips. We have had great success with this fundraiser in the… Read More
Hard to believe…. but next week is the last week before Christmas Break! We have some fun activities planned for staff and students: Monday – Red and Green Day Tuesday – Santa Hat & Christmas Socks Day Wednesday – Hawaiian Christmas Day and Christmas Tree Door Decorating Contest Thursday – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day Friday – Christmas Pajama Day
Please be advised that our annual Winter Holiday Concert will be held on Monday, December 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium at Stonewall Collegiate. Performers in this concert will be the grade 7&8 Choral students, Grade 7&8 Band students and members of the grade 5-8 Girls’ Choir.
A reminder that tomorrow, December 11th, Grade 5 and Grade MY Vice students will be holding a bake sale to raise funds for the Stonewall Cheer Board! Donations of nut-free, pre-cut baking are very much appreciated! Donations can be dropped off at the office.
Students from our Grade 5 & 6 MY Voice group are collecting non-perishable food items, toys, and monetary donations for the Stonewall Cheer Board. Each classroom will have a box to store donated items. The MY Voice student elves will be picking items up weekly. The deadline for donations is Friday, December 13th.