Schools will close when weather and road conditions in the Interlake School Division are such that it is not advisable to transport students via school buses.  If weather deteriorates after the school day has started, creating unsafe driving conditions that necessitate cancelling bus service for the return trip home, students will remain in school until other arrangements can be made.  Buses will not be sent out early.


Select a tab below to view specific information on a cold weather topic:

  • Parent/Guardian Notification
  • Outdoor Recess
  • Inclement & Cold Weather
  • Facility Use

In the event of a school closure, an automated phone message will be initiated after 6:00 a.m. notifying parents of the closure.  Closure information will also be distributed to local media outlets and will be posted on the divisional website, the divisional Twitter account @interlakesd, and the Interlake School Division Facebook page.


To ensure that you receive immediate information about any emergency, please notify the school administrative assistants regarding any changes to your home and/or emergency contact numbers.

Outdoor recess is a valuable, unstructured activity time for children to socialize and play. All students are expected to come to school dressed for the weather and to go out for recess.  When the weather is questionably cold, ÉSCS uses Environment Canada’s website to view the “windchill hazard/temperature” at that time and decide if outdoor activity breaks will take place.

Schools will be closed when inclement weather (blizzard, heavy snow, icy roads) creates unsafe driving conditions.  In extreme cold conditions, schools in the Interlake School Division will be closed, and no busses will be running, if the temperature is -40 C or colder and/or windchill is -45 C or colder at 6:00 am.  Temperature and windchill are as observed at the Winnipeg Richardson International Airport and reported at

In the event schools are closed due to extreme weather situations, all Community Use rentals and Continuing Education classes will also be cancelled.